Pop-up Food Relief Markets

CALD Victorians Networking for Healthy Culturally Appropriate Food Choices

About the project

 Since 2020 to-date, in a partnership approach model, based at Living and Learning Pakenham, AfriAus iLEAC has been distributing culturally appropriate food relief packages called ‘Luvpacks’, and other basic needs to 470 Victorian African and other Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) single mothers, mothers with large families, low income earners, unemployed, under-employed women, refugees and asylum seekers. At this stage, AfriAus iLEAC distributes the ‘Luvpacks’ to target African Victorians and other CALD families, homeless people and asylum seekers, facing financial hardship.

 How can you benefit?

The current pop-up food relief markets provide FREE culturally appropriate food packages – called ‘Luvpacks’ – in a dignified way, to vulnerable African Victorian and other CALD single mothers, women with large families, unemployed, under-employed (low income earners), jobseekers, women with disabilities, mothers with children with disabilities, international students, new arrivals (refugee and asylum seekers). To encourage and embrace choice, some of the food items are on display for people to walk around and choose what they want. Choice is very critical as some people react to certain foods. The displayed food include ethnic fresh vegetables, fruits fish and selected staple pre-packaged dried foods.

Also, AfriAus iLEAC facilitates the provision of culturally appropriate health literacy, food literacy and financial counselling to targeted individuals or small groups, face-to-face and/or online. The counselling sessions are conducted via the partnership with Tender Care Services, Klinical Support Services, Living and Learning Pakenham (LLP), to mention a few partner organisations. It is expected that some of the targeted people will be enabled to start managing their finances and spend wisely according to their earnings.


 The following activities are delivered via the LUVPACKS Partnership:

  1. Provision of culturally appropriate food packages – called ‘Luvpacks’. To encourage and embrace choice, some of the food items are on display for people to walk around and choose what they need. Choice is very critical as some people react to certain foods. The displayed food includes ethnic fresh vegetables, fruits fish and selected staple pre- packaged dried foods.

Why the Department is Funding this Activity

The Pop-up Food Relief Markets aim to ensure that:

  • People facing vulnerability can more easily access healthy and culturally appropriate food relief, in a
    dignified way.
  • People accessing food relief are supported to access other community supports and services, and to increase their food literacy and food security.
  • Community support is enhanced through the establishment of partnerships or networks of
    community organisations that endure into the future.

Activity start date and end date:
21/11/2022 to 16/06/2023.

Target Audience:

Culturally and linguistically diverse people; immigrants and migrants; refugees and asylum seekers; particular religious groups; people with disability; homeless people
Other: International students

Calendar of our “Free food corner” pop up markets

UPCOMING- to be announced


Comely Banks- 27th May 2023, 2:30pm to 6:00pm

Cardinia Shire18th March 2023, 11:00am to 2:30pm

Melton4th March 2023, 11:00am to 12:00 Noon

Cardinia Shire25th Feb 2023, 3:00pm to 5:30pm

Cardinia- Officer4th Feb 2023, 4:00pm to 5:30pm

Cardinia Shire14th Jan 2023, 4:00pm to 6:30pm

Morwell22nd Dec 2022, 4pm to 6pm

Cardinia Shire- 24th Dec 2022, 1pm-4pm

Melton29th Dec 2022, 5:30pm to 7:30pm

Please complete the online  pre-order form  3 days before coming to the pop up market so that we can prepare your Luvpack bag/s of goodies in advance!

Photo Gallery

Comely Banks Pop Up Food Market

Comely Banks- 25 Feb 2023

Melton South-  30 Dec 2022

Melton South- 30 Dec 2022

Pakenham Food Market

Pakenham- 24 Dec 2022

Comely Banks- 18 March 2023

Comely Banks- 18 March 2023

Melton- 4 April 2023

Melton- 4 April 2023

Pakenham -14 Jan 2023

Pakenham- 14 Jan 2023

Comely Banks- 27 May 2023

Comely Banks- 27 May 2023


Get In Touch

4 + 3 =

6B henry St, Pakenham, VIC 3810

Phone: 0415 964 113

Email: [email protected]