FUNDED UNDER: Supporting Multicultural and Faith Communities to Prevent Family Violence: 2021-2024 Grant Program


This project is delivered and co-designed by AfriAus iLEAC with the LUVPACKS partners.

The ‘Supporting Multicultural and Faith Communities to Prevent Family Violence: 2021 Grant Program’ supports the Victorian Government’s vision to create a Victoria free from violence, where all Victorians experience equality and respect in all their relationships and live free from violence. To work towards this vision, a whole of population approach is required to challenge the drivers of violence against women and encourage attitude and behaviour change.


Program objectives are to:

  • Deepen and expand primary prevention and early intervention activity with multicultural and faith communities
  • Continue to build and enhance the collective knowledge of successful primary prevention and early intervention activity and intersectional practice
  • Strengthen the capacity of organisations working with multicultural and faith communities in primary prevention and early intervention activity
  • Improve the identification and response to victim survivors of violence by better joining primary prevention activity with early intervention activity in a wide range of settings.

      The people/groups who are intended to benefit most from this Project/Activity are:

      • Primary beneficiary: African communities
      • Secondary beneficiary: AfriAus iLEAC: Inspire Lead Educate Advocate for Change Incorporated, through capacity building activities and support provided to Grantees

      This Activity is intended to benefit people or groups living in the following places:

      • Metropolitan Melbourne

      Why the Department is Funding this Activity

      This program supports the implementation and recommendations from the Victorian Government Royal Commission into Family Violence, including:

      • Ensure awareness and prevention programs reflect Victoria’s diversity (Recommendation 142)
      • Fund family violence programs for older Victorians, diverse communities and people with disabilities (Recommendation 139)
      • Develop training packages for faith leaders and communities (Recommendation 163)
      • Faith leaders and communities examine how they respond to family violence (Recommendation 165) This grant program will support the delivery of objectives outlined in:
      • Free from violence: Victoria’s strategy to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women
      • Building from strength: 10-year industry plan for family violence prevention and response
      • Ending family violence: Victoria’s 10-year plan for change
      • Family Violence Reform Action Plan 2020-2023
      • Safe and strong: A Victorian gender equality strategy
      • Everybody Matters: Inclusion and Equity Statement
      • `Victorian. And proud of it`.

      AfriAus iLEAC’s project works towards complementing existing prevention and early intervention projects and activities funded through the Office for Prevention of Family Violence and Coordination, the Office for Women and Family Safety Victoria.



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      Get In Touch

      10 + 11 =

      6B henry St, Pakenham, VIC 3810

      Phone: 0415 964 113

      Email: [email protected]